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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does SEO cost?

If you want to rank higher on the search engines, then it’s important that your website is optimized for Google. The difference between low-priced and high quality SEO services can be vast because those who cut corners and use ‘black-hat’ methods often see penalties or decreases in traffic from spammy links while also lowering their own ranking with competitors’ websites which use proper strategies – this could mean lost customers! Agency pricing usually runs at about 10% more than personalized solutions offered by individual providers but these companies offer experience & ethics as well so they’re worth every penny if looking out solely just how best optimize yourself online today.


Consider the yearly price it would cost to do SEO yourself:

SEO strategist:                   $100,000 +
Coder/Developer:                $55,000 +
Technologist:                       $50,000 +
Coordinator/Reports:       $40,000 +
Salaries/Fees:             $245,000 +

Whether you’re a small or medium-sized business, it is unwise to DIY your SEO. The costs can easily exceed $245K per year for an in house team and there’s no guarantee that the effort will produce positive results; while agencies offer resources at lower prices than what most companies would need when outsourcing (and with less risk).

how long will it take to get rankings?

The first few months of SEO require dedicated time on your site to make updates and wait for the spiders. Depending how often they crawl, it could take 3-9 Months before new rankings start coming in!

How long UNTIL I see increases in traffic?

In order to see a significant rise in traffic, it will take time. The process can be accelerated by optimizing your site for search engines and getting new rankings but don’t expect an instant jump from ranking increases alone – this takes months!

Should I also do PPC?

The power of Pay Per Click (PPC) can be a great way to help you reach your target audience. With PPC ads you can set your own budget and search terms you want clicked into existence – this means those who have higher competition might get served better due to them investing in a targeted campaign instead of an ad everywhere!


The rankings game is a never-ending one. The search engines constantly adjust their algorithm, and if you stop doing SEO your ranking will drop quickly as new updates come out that could ultimately put us back at square one with no where near enough traffic for our business!

Can’t I just buy links?

The link building strategy that worked in the past may no longer work today. unnatural links are being penalized by Google’s “Penguin” series of algorithm updates, which are geared primarily towards preventing sites from obtaining these types if acquired unnaturally through exchange schemes or purchasing them and also reduce traffic losses when your site is hit with an accidental penalty for having too many bad neighborhoods on its back end – so make sure you’re working hard but smart!

Can you guarantee my rankings with SEO?

Internet marketers who want to be successful need more than just good keywords. Good SEO agencies cannot guarantee something we can’t control and beware of any company that claims they are able, as there’s no way for an ethical surfer or browser (you know what I’m talking about) to determine 100% how a site will rank because the ever-changing nature within Google can prevent this from happening.

Can you get me ranked for general terms?

We all know that general terms are highly competitive and would be extremely costly to rank for. That’s why we advise you against going after broad, umbrella keywords like “keyword” or “search engine.” It is more cost effective and pragmatic (not only in terms of time) but also relevancy-wise – if your business caters specifically towards people living within the state boundaries where it resides then traffic from other states may not really matter much at least initially!

Which Search Engines get used the most?

It’s interesting to see how Google has come out on top with their 67% share of the search engine market. They are followed by Bing at 17%, then Yahoo and all other engines combined for a total percentage around 4%.

How often do the Search Engines update their algorithm or search equation?

While it is impossible to know for sure how often Google updates their algorithm, we do know that Matt Cutts from Web Spam Management at Google has been quoted saying more than 500 changes are made each year. It’s important then – with the search engines evolving and changing so much-to stay on top of any potential tweaks or updates by making constant adjustments in our own strategies as well as only using ethical practices which will help us succeed long term.

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