
LeapBizPros is always striving to stay on top of the latest trends and best practices in order for us, as an agency, to provide you with quality work.
We have been recognized by many clients because they know that our dedication will lead them towards success!

Our history

We Have a Proven Record of Success With Our Clients!

Once upon a time, SEO was an obscure marketing tactic reserved for marketers with vast experience in the field. LeapBizPros has adapted our search engine optimization methodology to the changes in social media marketing, paid-for web design and development services as well as online brand management over the years; we now offer an integrated strategy that can be customized for your needs!

  • Frontend Development
  • Backend Development
  • UI/UX Design
  • Branding
  • SEO
  • Social Media

What Sets LeapBizPros Apart

We are experts in online marketing, and we will create a custom strategy for your business. Every campaign is tailored to the needs of our clients – there’s no one-size fits all solution!
A comprehensive analysis helps us realize what you need from an ad campaign or how much traffic can expect during their time on this website – which means it’s always fresh with potential leads coming through week after week because they’re seeing things differently than other sites do (we hope).

  • SEO is a process

  • Consistency is Key

  • Results Are Inevitable



We have a team of experts ready to help you with your project. Get in touch today!



Before we start a campaign, our team does an in-depth audit and analysis to make sure you get the best results for your budget.



Once we’ve considered your unique situation, our team will send you an offer for review.



We will get to know your needs and preferences better than anyone else. You won’t just get a dedicated account manager; they’ll become an expert on what’s important for YOU!


With our expertise, you can be confident that your campaign will run smoothly and according to plan.



We’ll engage you to discuss your results on a regular basis, so that they can be used for future reference.

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Service Minded & Results Driven

Internet marketing is a necessary evil in today’s world. We work with your company to make sure that everything flows seamlessly from the website, through social media channels and out into cyberspace for good measure–but don’t worry: You get all of our attention when it comes down right up against what really matters most – making clients happy!

We know that your offline marketing efforts are just as important to the success of you and your business, so we work with search engine optimization (SEO) in order for people can find out about what it is all really about. When integrated properly SEO will produce exponential results!

We understand how to take your company from the margins and position it at center stage. With our integrated internet marketing solutions, we will implement a comprehensive strategy that includes organic search engine optimization (SEO) as well social media campaigns so you can be found by potential customers wherever they are online!

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“This has been the best experience. Fast results and extremely professional. Who could ask for more than that? Now I can focus on delivering a better service for my new clients!”  

Christina G

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“Very informative on the packages they offered. The on-boarding process was seamless. Got to work almost immediately and I saw results within a few weeks. Phenomenal.”

Jason W

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“My business was already doing well before I decided to work on my SEO. Working with them helped kick it into overdrive. I’m forever grateful for what they’ve done for me.”

Jeffrey M

Website Designs & Development

Ready to Make Your Idea Come to Life?

Let's Discuss how we can Get you going!
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